Prof. Yutaro Ohashi

Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

Yutaro Ohashi graduated from the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University. Later, he was awarded the Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (PD) and worked for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and served as a visiting scholar at the University of Helsinki. He currently holds professorship in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology. Throughout his career, Yutaro Ohashi has been actively involved in English and information media education. He is particularly interested in learning environments designed by learners, and he has received numerous awards for his work in non-traditional learning environments (e.g., zoos, aquariums, and architectural schools for children). His wide-ranging interests span from pedagogical aspects of the information society to information and game design and how education continues to evolve in an advanced information society. Recently, he has authored several papers addressing the evaluation of creative learning processes in university education, with an emphasis on engineering education. These research accomplishments have earned him recognition and awards, such as the encouragement and research presentation awards from the Japanese Society for Engineering Education.